Tuesday, April 15, 2008

If there is a way...

I never thought I'd be able to top my last spring break...but it happened!!! Best time ever:):) :) Although I am happy to be back...and have my tolerance to certain beverages decreasing every day...I can't help but wish I was back on those sandy beaches! It's been a bit cold up here in NE..a few good days last week, and of course I made every effort to put the convertible top down.

At work...eek!

Very excited for softball tonight!! I am in a league at work...will explain more later obvi! Will continue to text Scarlet the rest of the day.

And as a note...I usually wear a lot of pink to work..but today for some reason, I managed to wear a pink button up, pink sweater and pink shoes. Glorious:)


Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Holy 10 months!

It's been that long (seriously) since I last posted. Woa. I am inspired by my friend Catherine who also blogs (I heart Project Smile!) and who I'm having dinner with in two nights to catch up. Yeahh! I have a small kitten Kernel, who by a series of events I would rather not discuss, is also having kittens. She's currently running around my apartment playing with her pink toy pig. Yikes! Spring Break part 2 is coming up in less than 2 weeks!!! I can't believe its been so long...oh boy I miss it:)

You have no idea how excited I am. I promise I will try to blog more! But for right now...it's Melissa, me, Krisi and Megan..and obviously the entire population of young southern men;)